Online Encyclopedia Declares Inflation a ‘Right-Wing Talking Point’ in Response to Hit Song

Inflation has destroyed civilizations and ushered in totalitarian regimes, which is why it has been decried by an array of intellectuals who were hardly “right-wingers.”

Source: Online Encyclopedia Declares Inflation a ‘Right-Wing Talking Point’ in Response to Hit Song - Foundation for Economic Education

While inflation is certainly something those on the right seem to talk about a lot (though they don't necessarily do anything about it), it's a bit disturbing to see the whole concept of inflation reduced to a 'right-wing talking point' as if inflation weren't a real problem. Especially given the fact that inflation has been a bigger problem than normal the last couple of years.

It's as if the government/media is trying to gaslight everybody. That's hard to do though when you can see the effects of inflation in your bills and your grocery shopping. I mean I don't know how it is for everyone else but power bills, water bills, grocery costs and other things have risen substantially for me. Twenty years ago, I could afford a mortgage payment and two car payments as well as other typical household expenses on my salary. The cars were inexpensive models and the house was reasonably modest and it wasn't easy but I could do it. Now, thank God my house is almost paid off. Because I'm finding I can't afford a mortgage payment or any car payments and even paying the insurance is difficult. All of this despite the fact that my salary has gone up every year (except one year in which I switched jobs and tool a SLIGHT salary cut). I'm making double what I was 20 years ago.

But yeah, inflation is just a 'right-wing talking point'.

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