Stop The Madness

Alright, HIVE. I'd love to hang with you, and make money for blogging and all, but the constant support for those idiots over at Infowars is reprehensible and I won't do anything to support people who have been convicted of cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and terrorism. These are the idiots who honestly believe that the grieving parents of children killed in a mass-shooting at their elementary school are crisis actors and that the shooting never happened and was a false flag aimed at taking away their guns. That there's so much support for their anti-vaxx, anti-science bullshit with no way to get the obviously hate-filled, bullshit taken offline is disgusting.

These idiots have been deplatformed on every other platform that has hosted them. It's not because they're poor little persecuted individuals who are being oppressed because of their views, it's because they're active criminals who will harass anyone with an opposing view, doxx them, and send literal armed individuals to silence them. And your support of them sickens me.

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