24 Hours Part 8


When in just about a week, Mattie, Bisola's flatmate got to know. Rather than confront her flatmate or report to their engaged friend, Mattie called Tonye. When he picked the call, she merely asked: "Would-be Casanova hubby, has Alice seen the beautiful tattoo that fascinates your conquests?"
Tonye knew immediately that he had a handful but tried to play dumb. By asking, "Mattie, I hope you know who is on the other end? Am Brother Tonye, your friend Alice's fiancé." But Mattie got more forceful as she replied, "Act smart and see your marriage to Alice melt before your eyes like a candle, wet pant!" At that juncture, Tonye softened up, "Mattie, please what is it? Why are you threatening me? Okay, whatever, you think you have on me, could we meet and discuss it please?" Then Mattie asked for an evening appointment.
It was difficult, but he gave in and called Alice, to reorganize his schedule. Alice was disappointed by the suddenness, but she was too trusting to be suspicious. Tonye met Mattie at the agreed rendezvous, and they ended up in his bed.
Mattie too wanted a continuation of their relationship. Tonye, therefore, found himself in a dilemma. He wanted to marry Alice for economic reasons but wanted to enjoy the game not just with Bisola and Mattie but with others as well without rocking his relationship with Alice. Bisola didn't know that Mattie had discovered her little secret gone ahead to have ‘taste' Tonye too. However, Mattie warned Tonye to disclose her secret, hoping that she could be smarter than Bisola. Mattie decided to blackmail Bisola and even when she was equally guilty of the offense.

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