Be brave

Once upon a time, there was an old mansion built at an intersection.
It is a place where people from all over come to rest for a while.
It is also a place to sleep when you can not travel at night.
Surprisingly, at night I often hear a loud noise on the roof of the building.
So they do not sleep well at night.
As soon as the person is asleep, go straight up
"Should I put it down?"
When people shout, "Should I put it down?"
They ran away in fear.
Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.
One day a man was traveling and spent the night at the resort.
As usual, at night, a loud voice came from above him
"Should I put it down?"
"Should I put it down?"
The man, who travels without fear, eager to learn, has no intention of fleeing. I looked up and said, "Let me down."
At that moment, a package fell from above and when I opened the package, I found a lot of gold.

The story I read and listened to as a bedtime story as a child gave us a lot to think about as adults.
Yes, most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves.
Opportunity is a rare opportunity in our lives that never comes twice? Many have missed out on opportunities because of fear of not knowing what I could do.
When faced with opportunities in life, we need to have the courage to make decisions and to overcome our fears and be willing to explore.
If you run away in fear of what you are afraid to do and do not know what you are afraid of, you will miss the big golden bag that will fall in front of you.
So let me tell you - it was a scary place.

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