Mangrove trees grow in the middle of Lhokseumawe City

Hello Guys ... Good night !!!

Lhokseumawe is a unique city because there are various ancient sites, sometimes the site is located in the middle of the city and sometimes left alone even though it is located in the middle of the city because according to the local government it does not interfere with community activities that truly benefit each element.

One of them is the presence of mangrove trees located in the center of Lhokseumawe City precisely in the Banda Sakti sub-district and located in the Pusong Lama Village area of ​​Lhokseumawe Aceh. The village has many historical sites from the Netherlands, Portuguese, Japan, and several other countries that have traded in the kingdom of Aceh in ancient times.

One of the remaining locations within the urban area is a public port wharf which is a loading and unloading location for merchandise originating from abroad, the location is overgrown with mangrove trees which are now in the middle of the city reservoir. Now the mangrove trees have been shady growing which is enclosed in a public vehicle terminal between cities and between provinces.

These mangrove trees grow and develop in reservoirs that are still inundated by tides, while the large number of storks make the mangrove trees their nests.

The existence of mangrove trees that grow for a long time is one of the locations where all birds, other wild animals such as monkeys, ferrets, and some other rodents gather. Then in the region there are also reptiles such as monitor lizards, snakes, lizards and similar animals that make a nest for them.

While in the swamps there are various species of small fish and large fish such as fish, grouper, tilapia fish and other small fish, then there are also various species of shrimp that inhabit the location.

The existence of mangrove trees is the center of public attention because of its location in the middle of the city, and it is a very beautiful destination because when visiting the reservoir can see some of the habitats of animals that live in it.

The beauty of this location adds to the atmosphere of the community when jogging in the afternoon and morning during work holidays, while local residents in the area use the Pusong Lhokseumawe reservoir as a place to make a living for traditional fishing communities in the area itself.

The variety of biological wealth contained therein as mentioned above, therefore the City government deliberately let the location as a regional asset in the field of tourism as well as can be utilized by local residents as land for employment for its people.

To this day mangroves still stand firm and unpretentious in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city, and the thing that fascinates us is that people who live in the area consciously always maintain and preserve mangroves so that they always exist in the region.

In the history of Lhokseumawe, the mangrove trees have existed and grown since 1845 and still stand where they should be. Thus this review as an introduction to your destination. Thank you very much.

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Aceh, Indonesia
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MI Note 7

Greetings from @p2hive

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