I feel bad to anyone who upvotes me because It doesn't even count anymore

never in my life downvoting people for made a offensive statement or smt i dont like because i know it'll hurt their feelings… but this guy 😞


unlike centralized social platforms, I found decentralized social platform is way too "formal" about how the post being made.

Fine, some people might love to read long articles. But that's not always the case…

I like humor.
I like fun things.

If these guys with huge capital who filled this decentralized platform doesn't like fun things or only want this platform being filled with lengthy post then I think I can understand why decentralized platform isn't that popular out there.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this platform became bigger so more creative and fun people would start using this platform.

I seek friendliness within this platform, not a dominance by people with huge capital thinking they're powerful by only using their Hive Power and vote weights.

I think that's it.

You can downvote me 100% using your glorious Hive Power if you think I'm wrong here. This is my honest statement about this platform, I don't even care if this account get blocked or anything so go ahead.

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