One sunny afternoon

One sunny afternoon

One sunny afternoon, I decided to take a walk in my small garden to enjoy the beautiful scenery. As I took a few steps, I noticed that the garden was bustling with activity. There were small insects crawling on the ground and flying around, and some bigger ones hiding in the bushes.

I felt excited to explore the garden and see what I could find. As I walked, I noticed a big and fat fly resting on a beautiful flower. I quickly grabbed my macro camera, hoping to get a good, close shot.

The big fly seemed to be minding its own business, and I carefully approached it to take some pictures. As I zoomed in, I noticed how intricate and fascinating its wings looked. I continued taking pictures, amazed by the details I was able to capture.

Suddenly, I remembered the small bugs I had encountered before that had tried to bite me. However, I noticed that this fly wasn't aggressive at all, and it didn't seem to be bothered by my presence.

As I was clicking away my camera, I noticed the funny faces that the small flies made when they saw me. I couldn't help but laugh at them; they were so silly and small compared to the big fly that I had captured.

After spending some time in the garden, I decided to head back inside. I felt grateful for this small adventure that allowed me to explore and appreciate the beauty of nature. I couldn't wait to return to the garden and see what other interesting things I could find.

I was use here my Sony NEX-5T
And I was use here my Sony 3.5/30 mm Macro lens.

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