I found another one

I found another one

While walking in the forest, the roads have long since been cleared of snow ice and mud, the gravel road is full of stones, which I sometimes look at with my own two eyes with great care, and as like you see, I found the next stone which is in the shape of a heart, There are still many stones to look at , and I believe that there are still many heart-shaped stones more.

I hope that soon I will get enough of these stones so that I can make a large work of art out of the stones on the wall.
I be soon back what more photos, day was just start, and sun was come out just now too.

I was use here my Samsung A50 phone

I'm quietly considering that I need to get this box where I can keep these stones properly inside, because every time I find one it feels like I'm finding a precious stone in the ground. which is ideally finished sanded and waiting for a beautiful box. I save this pages up where they sell this box, and when I get more stones then I let you all know how they look in this box.

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