Cold is back

Cold is back

The cold has arrived ( -8 was in night time, and day holds -6 and -5 ).... now it will stay here for several months, when going for a walk in the morning, it is pleasant to see how the light frost is everywhere and shines in the warm what fresh morning sun. The only thing that is always uncomfortable in the cold is that when I take pictures, my fingers get cold quickly and I always have to warm them up in my pocket while taking three pictures. But ... but I fill not let this stop me .. I still go out even if it's very cold outside like -20, this is a moment where you can take many good cold pictures where the trees are covered with thick frost and the grass looks like a big frozen forest.

I be soon back what new photos , I am here not make some big text and let you see I have Good English text all time , I make photos... I hunt them out there, :))

I was use here my Sony NEX-5T
I was use here my Sony 16-50 mm kit lens.

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