What a time to be in crypto! Can Hive live past all the FOMO? This is the opportune time!

It's clear that even as a top blockchain ecosystem Hive really continues to push the boundaries. As we progress everyday it becomes clearer and clearer that organic content and community really gives hive a leg up in this cryptospace!

With that said I truly want to hit that golden niche while being myself. And to be honest Hive has given me a life lesson, "you never stop learning". As I keep moving through this ecosystem I'm give vast opportunity and room for growth.

As a perk for posting and engaging we truly don't need to fear the FOMO! Not at all! As I write this I really see that dreams do come true and crypto has offered this platform for me to go with and grow.

If you feel the same way write a comment and tell the world how you feel about this opportunity and where you think we're headed in the future years! Peace @contentisking

"God Bless"

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