Agitations outside abode

My mama used to say, ” Son ,life is not easy….you are encountered with many destinations,persons and things. Some incidents gonna be as sweet as honey and some as bitter as gourde”

My Baba(DAD) often seemed to tell us ,”Don’t be thát fragile that you can be broken easily.Don’t be that opened up that everyone knows your vulnerabilities. I have seen with these eyes those people who gonna put dagger inside you from back and front as well.”

I often heard my uncle saying, “ it doesn’t matter if you are titanic or not,what matters is whether you portray you gigantic or not.If you will not you will see people bypassing over you by putting feet.”

But even after such life lessons they brought us up like princes.Despite being mediocre ,they gave golden spoon in our mouth.Instead of making us experience hardships of life they just kept us under their shade. They kept us out of family dramas, feudal issues and economical and political turmoil as well and resultantly we are superfilled with lethargy and tardiness.

But now it was really time when I will have to do something by myself as i am in 20s now. I will have to make my own career. I will have to strive thát might not be so easy and short. And all this is happening in impulsive moment. Life has gotta fast .

One who used to wake up 10 o clock morning and his breakfast was always ready for him is now waking up 7 o clock morning and sometimes going to workplace even without breakfast.

Life changes too much when you are outside your home away from the affectionating hand of your mama. It’s raining outside and i am missing snacks made by her hand .

Although i have friends here,we used to visit alot of places and chill late night at different cafes and spots but het no one can alternate the comfort of home and blood relations but this is life you have to apply knife on you to sharpen you.

Life these days is just discussing jobs,looking for opportunities for any business set up and processes to go abroad. Starting from economical and political state of country to punctual and robotic job and ending ắt commitment to manage resources to initiate a small scale set up that could yield us in long terms.

And i still remember life two months ago was about arranging trips,seminars and parties. Life was about laughing and playing till late night and now life is about earning money ,building status and raising status.

You all might have faced this in life or will face soon in life as it is common for each 20s person.

Let me hear your perspective regarding this.Whether you have lived outside gime or not
How was your experience?
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