Therapeutic Judgment

Crime **** is any committed act that is against law and morals.Every country keeps a set of principles and limits beyond which any act is considered a crime . And for each crime ever state enacts respective punishments to preclude the burgeoning of crime and illicit activities.Judgement and punishments play a keyful role in curbing the spread of proscribed acts .
But these days I am going through a strange question in mind i.e

•”Does the punishments always play role in termination/halting crimes or they may also ignite them in some cases?”

If a judgement is to obliterate crime plus one who commits crime then it’s agressive form judgement but if it intends to terminate crime by counselling,guiding and improving one who commits crime then it is for me a “***Therapeutic judgement ***”

Therapeutic judgement is devising a plan and procedure which prevents person from committing crime again. Punishments don’t always assist in obliterating crime infact I think that mostly it blazes out the fire of crimes.
Let me argue this with an example
“If a person is caught of stealing/robbing ,he/she might be sentenced to few days to years in jail. During his/her time in jail ,he/she will become habitual of jail along with interacting with other prisoners he/she may inhale their toxicity as well which will surely be exhaled out infecting populace when allowed in free environment that obviously one day happen.

•I believe therapeutic judgement will assist much in discouraging teens and kids from committing further crimes who have committed crime once or twice. Age from 6-19 is not that much insightful,you can prevail wherever you want and that is only reason many of terror organisations use innocent kids/teens for sucide attacks as they are brainwashed properly.

Coming back to my point that how should we contrive our judicial system. According to me law must me enacted in a way that removes crime not one who commits crime. Law must be interpreted in such a way that discourages illicit act not one like that pressure which bursts up the ballon and spread sharpnels that may hurt populace.
Therapeutic judgement may yield into some drawbacks as well.
Let me brief ,here in most parts of asia it is a common practice that a rapist is given pardon if he wills to marry victim.This is giving good message individually but as wholly it is giving a perception that relief may also be provided to one who has been in such an heinous doing.
Likewise mostly murderers pay back to victim’s family in financial form and get absolution .

Well overall nothing is good or bad ,it’s us who make that good or bad.But I believe therapeutic judgement will yield in many good outcomes as well . It’s hard to introduce and implement as requires proper planning management and resources but once it has been implemented it is gonna reduce to much extent aggression

(Above mentioned are writer’s own thoughts ,you may disagree)
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