Homemade Flour Tortillas

Quick, easy, and only 5 basic ingredients, homemade flour tortillas can form the base for many delicious meals!

Who loves a good Mexican cuisine based meal? This girl! Savory meats, the spicy sauces, and the fresh zest of cilantro and lime form the ingredients for many tasty dishes.

What else do those dishes generally have in common? Tortillas.

You can easily pick up store bought tortillas, and I won't judge you at all. However, there is nothing quite like a fresh, homemade tortilla, right off a hot cast iron skillet. Soft warm, and chewy hits the spot every time.

homemade flour tortillas on red plate

How easy is this recipe?

Super easy and fast. It's about 20 minutes, start to finish, and only takes 5 ingredients to make. Simply mix the dough in a bowl, dump onto a floured surface and knead. Roll it out with a rolling pin, cook in a hot skillet, place on a plate and cover with a paper towel or kitchen towel to keep warm.

homemade tortillas on red plate

What should I use to cook tortillas?

I prefer to use my cast iron skillet for making tortillas, but you can use a tortilla press if you want.

A regular non stick pan will also work, but you may want to wipe it out after every other tortilla. This will remove any excess flour you have on the dough circles, and keep it from burning in the pan.

Ingredients for homemade tortillas

  • All purpose flour
  • Warm water
  • Salt
  • Butter or olive oil
  • Baking powder

How to make flour tortillas

  1. Mix dry ingredients together in a medium mixing bowl.
  2. Stir in melted butter or oil and combine well.
  3. Gradually add flour and mix until you get a thick dough. Form into dough ball, and allow to rest.
  4. Divide the dough into pieces, and roll each dough ball into circles. Repeat with remaining dough.
  5. Cook in a dry skillet, flip and finish cooking other side.
  6. Keep warm until serving.

Can I make this recipe vegan?

Sure! You can replace the melted butter with olive or vegetable oil of your choosing.

How to I store my homemade tortillas?

They will keep nice and soft for up to 2 days on the counter, if you wrap them in a kitchen towel. I don't like to store them in the fridge, as they can get very hard and stale quickly.

To reheat them, either warm them in a hot dry skillet for 30 seconds, or place in the microwave with damp paper towels covering them to keep moisture in.

What to serve with these homemade tortillas

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