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"My Anwer To NewbieGames Jeopardy - Where Every Valid Answer Is A Winner"


The most important problem for our world to solve is also the most practical. The oceans are our greatest resource and a unified effort to save them would solve many other problems.

Put the people to work, not only physically but mentally. Get all of those discontented, educated people into fields that allow them to use and grow their skills. So much untapped talent all over the world is allowed to wither away because greed won out over innovation and evolution.


Challenge companies to find practical ways of gathering and recycling garbage. Hopefully there will be enough incentive for companies to move their focus towards the oceans that people will just leave the rain-forests alone. Once the ocean is balanced and we move towards the practical energy source to power this massive project (renewables), our carbon footprint will be lowered.


Cleanup isn’t the half of it. Facilitate life so that the boom in fish, seaweed, algae, etc... solves world hunger.


Homelessness would be a thing of the past because so many people will be working on the ocean clean up and all of the industries that spring up around it. For it to legitimately work we need to forget about war, forget about boning each other for money and make the ocean a top priority. Make hospitals, houses, boats, public transport etc... out of recycled plastics. This effort needs people who need infrastructure for a fighting chance at success.


How do you fund this, you may ask? Let each country back their own crypto currency in the resource of their choosing and fairly pay citizens in that. After all, cryptos are the wave of the future.
