7 Interesting facts about planet - Earth

Hello everyone,

In this post, you will get know facts about planet earth. Earth is the third planet in our solar system, and it is believed that it is the only planet which has life, water, and free oxygen in the atmosphere. It is the fifth largest planet in terms size in our solar system.


Facts about our planet earth:

  1. According to some evidence, the earth was formed 4.1 billion years ago.

  2. Earth's only natural satellite is the moon.

  3. Earth surface contains 29% land and 71% water( which is mostly covered with oceans).

  4. Earth surface temperature range from -85 to 58-degree Celsius.

  5. Earth radius is 6370 km. And the earth is tilted 66°.

  6. Earth move 460 meters per second and 1000 miles per hour.

  7. There are 8.7 million species on the earth with
    6.5 million on land and 2 million on oceans.

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth

Vector art source:pixabay under "CC0 Creative Commons"

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