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Let our resolution for 2018 be to clean up the planet

Guys, I’m just an ordinary person living on this Earth and like most of you I want the governments of this world to do something about pollution. But look around. Not nearly enough is happening.
We need to take this into our own hands, and as individuals, do all we can in our everyday life to do our bit.
I’ve just bought a flask, and my promise to myself is to use it instead of buying coffee in shops that use disposable cups. I tried it already a few months back but my flask broke... no excuses now though, no more disposable cups for me. I read recently about how an insane amount of these cups are used every day. Where does it end?
Also plastic! That’s a big deal. I’m carrying a cloth bag in my handbag from now on... no more plastic bags at the supermarket because I forgot to bring my own cloth shopping bag! Who’s with me?
Plastic water bottles? God only knows what we’re gonna do about this plastic problem. We need to put pressure on companies to STOP putting everything in bloody plastic. It’s crazy.
I’m going to try and buy only glass containers for water and if that means going to Wholefoods and drinking more filtered water some of the time then great.
We need to get more proactive. Us. Now!!!
We need to boycott companies who are not ethical! We need to stand together and say, NO MORE!!! Not in my world!
Who’s with me? Let’s do all we can in our everyday life to change things. I feel we sometimes don’t because we think it won’t make much difference. That’s the worst attitude.
Governments need pressure from us or they’ll do nothing.
Look at countries like Norway, Sweden and The Netherlands. They are leading the way. It CAN be done.
We should make it fun. We should turn it into a communal activity. We should get everyone in on it as much as possible. Share stories and ideas.
What do you think?