Will 2017 solar eclipse cause secret planet 'Nibiru' to destroy Earth next month? (No, but conspiracy theorists think so)

Conspiracy theorists around the world are
claiming that a planet will collide with Earth this September - and that the coming solar eclipse will signal the apocalypse's beginning.

David Meade, author of 'Planet X – The 2017 Arrival', asserts the planet Nibiru (also known as Planet X) will crash into our own on 23 September 2017.

Although scientists deny the planet's existence, Meade is convinced he is right after finding bible passages to support his claims.

Earlier this year Meade asserted that Nibiru would crash into Earth in October, however he has now moved the date forward a few weeks.

The Great American Eclipse - the total solar eclipse which will enshroud parts of the US in complete darkness on 21 August - now apparently indicates the planet's arrival.

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