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The Steemgigs weekly show 6.23.18

I Am Too Sexy For The Red Market

Sometimes it's better not to ask.😁

The Steemgigs weekly show was held today. I was there for a while but unfortunately, my Saturday did not go as planned when I woke up this morning.

Feeling under the weather I made it in time to hear @mermaidvampire give her talk on how we can all help @surpassinggoogle in his time of need. She brought up many good ideas.

One of her ideas struck a chord with me. She has a contest running now called Mermaidvampire's Steemit Give Back Challenge. What upset me was the fact that she was given grief by people for running the contest.

I asked if I could talk and was given the floor. I do apologize for getting a bit upset while talking.

You see the topic was giving back. Many people are poor and in need of any amount of money they can make earning on Steemit. My problem with today's discussion was the fact that a lot of people only look at money as a gift. There was complaining done to @mermaidvampire from people, in her post comments, that said they needed help more than someone else.

Gifts come in many forms.
A smile is a gift.
A laugh is a gift.
A note written in thanks to a person for helping them is a gift.

There are so many things in this world that cost nothing for you to give as a gift to someone else if you would only take the time to really think about it.

If the meaning of the word gift is only attached to something that costs money you might want to take a look at your inner self again.

Some might be thinking it's easy to say when you have money. This could be true but I don't have money. I have not been able to work in over 10 years. My Government says I should be able to so I don't get any help from them.

My Husband has had major surgeries three years in a row and only get's 2 weeks paid vacation a year. We live in a house that is over 100 years old. The only room that we have been able to redo is the kitchen that you see in my videos.

I am poor, moneywise, for someone that lives in the US. If I moved to another country and my Husband made the same amount would we be poor? No, but we don't live there, we live where we do.

What I'm trying to get at is money is not everything when it comes to helping other humans. Money is not always the answer to every problem.

Being there for a friend is priceless. Making someone laugh is priceless. If a person knows you, they know what you have to give or not give monetarily.

They don't expect huge gifts that cost a fortune from you. I bet they would love a hug or a walk in the park with your undivided attention though. Your time spent with someone is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone. I'm writing that again.

Your time spent with someone is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone.

Many other important topics were covered today but I will leave that to someone else to discuss in a post.

Once again, Thank you to @mermaidvampire and @maverickinvictus for taking over the show this morning for @surpassinggoogle. I'm sorry I could not be more of a help today and missed the whole After Party. It has been one of those kind of days for me.

To @surpassinggoole I would, as always, like to thank you for all your help to all of us. Your idea's will and are becoming a reality. Thank you so much for that!

Share a smile today. It cannot hurt!




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