DVS and DHEDGE Update

DVS, DHEDGE, and Archon back up and running!

All code for DVS, DHEDGE, and ARCHON has been optimized to make less use of the Hive-Engine RPC. (More incoming)

New code has been copied to new server.

Market bot incoming to buy at DVS at 0.5 and sell at 1. It will rinse and repeat. This is to help keep us in the green zone allowing for 21% APR on HIVE delegations. This should also lure some of that access DVS out of whales stake and into the market increasing everyone else's upvote shares.

More Hive Power added on @dhedge.bonus for !DHEDGE comment commands. (goal of $1 upvote at 100%)

DVS payouts increased for our token delegation pools.

More to come!

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