What Can You Do That No One Else Can

Seven years ago I found out what my passion is, and what I feel like my purpose is at this time.

Before I found out growing my own food and sharing with others how to do so is what I love to do, I felt a bit lost. I knew I wanted to provide some form of value for others, but I didn’t know how to do that.

Their wasn’t one day where I woke and said, “This is it!” Rather it happened slowly almost without noticing, like how time passes.
It wasn’t till years later that I noticed my value springs from my passion.
I am here to say that I believe your value will spring from your passion also, and I think we have an obligation to share with others that one thing that we love, that one thing we are good at, that one thing that can help our neighbor or brother.
Once you find out what your gift to others is, start giving and get ready to receive.

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