My First Dtube Snap! // Let's Chat - Whats A Win From the Week?

Hi Friends!

I've decided to give this whole Dtube snap thing a try! For those who don't know, it is an initiative by @nathanmars to encourage more people to start using Dtube. The point is to make a 1 minute or less video, just like you would see on Snapchat or Instagram. For many people, making a big vlog or produced video can feel intimidating. I think this is actually a pretty fun initiative to get people more comfortable getting in front of the camera and sharing more of themselves with the world.

So what is my Dtube Snap about? Well... for those who followed me way back in the day - I did a video series on #dtube called "Mini-Vlog's" where I posted 2-4 minute videos that were meant to ask some kind of thought provoking question, or give some small encouragement. For most of them - I was hoping my short video would spark some good discussion in the comment sections.

I really loved making those videos and so maybe Dtube Snaps can be my new way of doing that! Making a video in under one minute was actually super hard for me!! I don't think I've talked so fast in a video!!

Dtube Snap Question - What Is a Win From the Last Week?

For me, a lot of revolved around travel. I finally bought my plane tickets for Krakow and I'm making plans to meet up with some of my favorite Steem Monster people next year. There are a few other trips that might be in the works too. Basically, I'm feel like like there is a lot of potential for me to travel next year and I couldn't be more excited.

So what's your win? It could be small as finding that one item that's been missing forever, or landing your dream job, or having coffee with one of your favorite people.

I'm looking forward to seeing some of your wins and celebrating them together! It can be easy to get wrapped up in to-do lists or things that need to be worked on - so I think taking a second to reflect back on what was good is so important!

Xo, Lea


Meet me at SteemFest 2018 in Kraków


More of my Steemy Adventures

The Steem Sister Show Has a New Page!
The Steem Monster Show with @littlescribe and @coruscate
Watch My Talk at the Steem Creators Conference
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