dtube.network | Alternative front end to d.tube, public release.


Dtube network alternative to d.tube

website: https://dtube.network
active source tree: https://gitlab.com/vaultec/dtube
permanente: https://gitlab.com/vaultec/permanente

As many of my past posts have illustrated, and is relatively common knowledge by the users of Dtube, Dtube is "lacking". Whether it is videos being deleted, features missing or bugs in the website, whatever your gripe is about dtube, the majority of users can agree there is a problem. Developers of dtube generally speaking, are not being proactive enough to solve these issues. Dtube developers has accomplished a lot and created a huge video empire, but I have seen a recent downtrend of dtube and many other DAPPs.

Now keep in mind this is all experimental.

I have decided to take the lead in developing Dtube and providing a great DAPP to the community. I am up to the challenge of providing a service to this great community.

What is the difference?

  • Dtube Network will never delete your videos. By default Dtube deletes videos to save space on their servers. Of course I cannot guarantee that I can store every video forever, but I will never delete them deliberately. This is a serious problem to the average non-tech savvy user. A permanent solution is under development.
  • Active development, I will be actively developing and improving Dtube Network. Any suggestions/pull requests that fit the ideologies of Dtube will be included/merged.
  • Temporarily higher fees than tube 10% -> 25% to cover costs, this may be reduced in the future. Fee usage allocation: 50% to hosting, 25% reserve/unallocated, 25% to development team. (This is how I want the money to be used).
  • Videos on d.tube and dtube.network will be cross playable. However dtube network videos will lag on d.tube. This is caused by d.tube's embed using ipfs.io gateway.

A new storage strategy

I have been developing a P2P storage network, called permanente. P2P storage contracts activated via blockchain transaction. A major Work In Progress system that will be available/fully functional in a few months. Issues with developing P2P in permanente native language (java).

This is the simplified model. This model has been changed slightly in the regards of IPFS gateways and P2P structure. Instead of using gateways in browser IPFS webrtc nodes will retrieve video data (WIP).

An IPFS node per browser

If every browser had an IPFS node operating directly in the browser. Popular videos will load faster as more nodes have temporarily stored the video. Past videos that the user has watched (within the garbage collection period of IPFS) will load almost instantly. For instant access to non-cached videos, a web socket IPFS connection directly to dtube network's main server. Providing clients with fast reliable connection to all videos stored without needing to use gateways. (Throwing out potential features that i will be working on).

Call to community arms (IMPORTANT!)

In order for this system to work, and store the masses of videos. A large community storage pool must be constructed. Any person willing to operate an IPFS node, contact me! The community node portion will include a P2P storage market.

Contact me.

I am always happy open to questions/conversation. I am most active in Dtube Official Discord or #community-dev in Onelove Discord

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