Compassionate Communication is Key to Building Anarchy

I wish more anarchists realized the potential of compassion for propelling society into more freedom. Currently, anarchists rely on the dogmatism of arguments and the flare of buzzwords.

However, if anarchists embrace relational connections, they can actively participate in the molding of a new social order. Haranguing people for not accepting our shared philosophy will only incite backlash and hatred, not acceptance and trust in liberty.

Anarchists should help others feel a sense of what Aristotle called Eudaimonia, which loosely translates as human flourishing. This flourishing is created when wellness and happiness are internalized. The problem is many anarchists have maintained that being hostile, belligerent, and unapproachable will garner the appropriate response. This is wrongheaded, though.

It is the deployment of compassion that invokes Eudaimonia, and it is this sense of inner well-being that allows the spontaneous beauty of anarchism to spillover from the will into reality.

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