Vegan Story Video 2

Hi Everyone,

This video is Part 2 of my two part video series that I have put together explaining my journey to becoming vegan as well as my motivation to write about what I call ‘Vegan Economics’. This video series complements a previous series where I explain my vegan journey in a blog. I provide links to Part 1 and Part 2 of the blog at the end of this video description.

Quick Recap of Part 1

In Part 1, I explained where I believe my vegan journey began. I investigated some of the literature that influenced and informed me when I was back high school and university. I also explained my growing passion for economics as well. I felt there was a lot I could do with my knowledge of economics. I still felt disconnected with the world and I wanted to do so something but I did not know where to start.

Now onto Part 2 of the video series

Working for Transport and Main Roads Queensland

After I completed my Master’s Degree in Economics. I got a job with Transport and Main Roads (TMR) as an economist. My work mostly involved conducted economic analysis (cost benefit analysis) on road and transport projects. The work was interesting but mostly meaningless as the results from my analysis was rarely used as part of any decision-making process. After 8 ½ years of working at TMR, I decided it was time to move on. Even though I enjoyed my work, I wanted to make a difference.

Working for Building Queensland

In February 2016, I got a job (Social Benefits Manager) at Building Queensland, newly established statutory body to advice government on investment decisions. Building Queensland had a better more energetic atmosphere than TMR. Unfortunately, it was not long before similar problems arose. All the work that was being produced was just for show. Almost all decisions were being made beforehand. The atmosphere and the energy noticeably started to drop as most people realised it was just more of the same.

Discovering Veganism

A few months before I started working at Building Queensland, I watched a documentary ‘Cowspiracy’. The documentary moved me in a big way, I have not eaten beef since. I watched other documentaries relating to veganism such as ‘earthlings’, ‘forks over knives’, and ‘lucent’. I became vegetarian in April 2016 and became vegan in June 2016, I have not looked back since. I feel healthier both physically and mentally. Becoming vegan for me was my first step to really doing something that can change the world. Thousands of animal’s lives could be spared by me switching to a plant-based diet.

Becoming vegan also made me realise that I was wasting my time working for Building Queensland or any Government agency for that matter. I decided I wanted to do more with my life. I wanted the freedom to have a better life as well as genuinely contribute to the world.

Doing my own thing

I left Building Queensland in March 2017 and started my own business, Spectrum Economics. I still wanted to work with people in government but provide advice as an independent consultant. I also started my own YouTube channel ‘Spectrum Economics’. This channel covers a range of economic issues, concepts, real life application of economics as well as how economics is being used to exploit people. I also opened my Steemit account in June 2017, Steemit gave me the opportunity to share my knowledge in videos, writing, and photographs.

Vegan economics

This brings me now to what I call ‘Vegan Economics’ it is a concept as well as the working title for a book I am working on. I want to bring together my years of knowledge of economics with my new found knowledge of about veganism as well as my increasing knowledge of how the world actually operates.

There is a cost to how we treat animals and that cost is only partially recognised. Economics is purely focused on the world from the human perspective with very little acknowledgment of the cost to other animals in this world.

What is the cost to animals of being treated cruelly for our entertainment?

What is the cost to animals being abused for our food and clothing?

What is the cost to animals for being experimented on to develop drugs or even test make up?

What is the cost to animals of being prematurely killed to satisfy our taste buds?


This brings me to the end of the video version of my Vegan Story. I hope you enjoyed the videos and I hope you are able to take away something useful from these videos. I will continue on my ‘Vegan Economics’ journey with more blogs and videos. I look forward to sharing them, thank you for watching.

For more information on my Vegan Journey

Here is the link to my Part 1 of my Vegan Story:

I provide a more detailed explanation of my Vegan Journey in previous posts/blogs. Here are the links to these posts.

Here is the link to Part 1


Here is the link to Part 2


I have several other videos relating to veganism which you can access using the following links.

What is Vegan Economics?

World Vegan Day Melbourne

Vegan Cost of a Big Mac (Includes Cruelty and Loss of Life)

Understanding the Cost of Animal Abuse

Vegan Economics Talk at Sea Shepherd Stand Fast Festival Brisbane 2017

Vegan Economics - Vegoutt Launch Slide Presentation

Vegan Economics - Vegoutt Launch Presentation


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