Hey STEEMIT - dtube introduction

Over the past few weeks I have slowly become addicted to Steemit and dtube!!! Its not normal, I think I have a problem.

So lets start off this introduction because I want you all to know what I all about.

My name is Phil, I'm 35 (I got my age wrong in the intro video haha) and I'm Irish living in Dublin.

I am a husband to a beautiful Polish girl and a farther to two beautiful little girls aged 4 and 5, what we call Irish twins as they are so close in age.

I am a mountaineer who loves climbing all around the world and I'm also a member of the mountain rescue team.

For my day job I am an oracle database administrator but its looking like I will be moving into Cassandra which is a cool open source database engine, watch this space.

So here are a few pics.....

Here you can see me firing a flare to let the rescue helicopter know where we were.

This was me on a mountain rescue training exercise in Wales last year.

Here I am on Mt Elbrus in Russia, the highest mountain in Europe.

I love to camp in cold weather

During the summer when the evenings are long I like to get out with friends and do some climbing.

Here is my first born, Emilia. She was born in Poland when we lived there for a year so I had to drape her in the Irish flag :-)

This is Emilia meeting her sister Hanna for the first time, I love the expression on her face.

Here they both are all dressed up to be flower girls at my brothers wedding.

This is St Patricks day last year, my wife decided she wanted to dress up as a leprechaun :-)

Here is Hanna wondering what Dadda is drinking.

One of my proudest days, Emilia climbing her first mountain which happened to be the first one I ever climbed.

Here is a shot of me trying to speak Polish at my wedding and failing badly.

And here is my wife laughing at me while I fail badly at speaking Polish!

So my plans for Steemit:

  1. Blog about all things outdoors
  2. Vlog daily about mountains, mountain rescue, fitness and life
  3. Invest in the STEEM blockchain
And generally contribute to the amazing community of people who I have had the pleasure to speak with here.

Let the journey begin !!!!

▶️ DTube

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