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Are You Willing To Invest....3 Years Of Your Life?

I love learning from successful people around the internet...

One of the better content creators I've been following for a few years now is a guy named Roberto Blake

(Follow him here on Twitter and try to get him to join STEEM too lol )

One of his stock pieces of content is his 100 and 1000 pieces of content example. He argues that we shouldn't worry so much about building content everyday and expecting HUGE traction without hitting at LEAST 100 pieces of content first.

This allows us to build our brand, build our voice and get people to know us...

His other example states that we shouldn't expect 'real money' from our content until we've created about 1000 pieces of content as well. That's roughly 3 years of content....

Which MAY scare some people...But I look at it with a HUGE smile. I know most people won't stay the course...I know most people won't invest years into their content creation....I know I will. I'm stubborn ;)

Anyways....What do you think of these game plans for content creation success?

Would love to hear your input....

New to STEEM? We can help... @SteemSavvy


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