DTube Videos Not Playing

Hello Steem Fam,

I would like to first say that as a newbie to the Steemit family, I could not be more excited for what the future holds. With our on going growth of distrust in our world leaders and fiat money, Crypto currencies offer a sense of stability in a world flooded with worthless green coloured paper.

Most of us using these alternative platforms are very much so aware of the injustice that has been done against the masses by a select few (aka the 1%). Every opportunity we get to break away from the system and move closer to becoming "off grid", we jump at with the hopes of not missing the last train out of Crazy Town. Wether it be a crypto currency, DTube, Minds or any other replacement to our mainstream sources, more and more people are waking up and opting out for more freedom and less restrictions.

With all that said I successfully started up my DTube account and had no issues at all uploading my videos. However, the videos will not play. Ive looked at other articles about DTube issues but the other issues came with a message of error. My videos simply do nothing when I press play..

Has anyone else encountered this problem? I would really appreciate the help.

Thank you


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