Gymtimidation | Gym Intimidation As A Newbie (ft. Obese to Beast)


Sounds like some weird hashtag but this mash up of two words represents a feeling that has been established in many new gym goers. Rightfully so, when you attend a new gym it seems like everyone knows what they are doing, knows where everything is, how to use all the machines and one false move in front of someone and you feel like the world is ending! Understandably so, it's difficult to immerse yourself in an environment built on repetition and mastery BUT it's important to keep some things in mind.

In this podcast episode Obese to Beast and I talk about the many different reasons people experience Gym Intimidation and the MANY MANY reasons you shouldn't let it effect you or the way you work out! It's very important to realize that most people are either 100% into themselves and are not distracted by anyone around them OR they are feeling similarly and are making sure that no one is looking at them making mistakes or whatever...the point being is that there are rarely any times that new or veteran members of the gym will be focusing on you and formulating thoughts about you or what you're doing!

The podcast dives much deeper into the topic and I really hope that all of you enjoy it!

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