RE: Interview with Pedro (@prc) - The DSound Creator - Petra Jordan's Artistic Journey, Episode 7/2018

Great great podcast!

Awesome to learn about the origins of the platform and to also get a peek into the mind of the man that made it all happen :)

The @dsound support has pretty much enabled me to be able to pay my bills and do what I love doing. It's so surreal for me to finally do podcasts and escape that terrible life draining job that I was at. Especially as someone who lives in a country where the currency isn't doing so great.

Great to hear about all the exciting things that are coming along with the emanate project which sounds like a music producers dream, RSS feed for podcasts, and also the fact that @dsound is still in the alpha stage!

Thank you again @prc for everything you've done with @dsound! We're all definitely proud of you :) and thank you so much @petrajordan for doing this excellent interview! Resteemed, upvoted, and followed!

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