Drug Wars... the 'Wars' begin

Well isn't this interesting! I kept telling @beautifulbullies that the payouts would not last long. Luckily she thinks it is funny that she may never get her near 300 steem back! WTF!!! Anyway, that is her loss and I was right, so.... lol

The new changes. What do I think about them? Lets break them down.

Changing the payouts from 8% total per day to 6% total per day.

This had to happen. The amount of interest in the game grew so rapidly that a loss of 8% each day from their funds would not have been sustainable for a long term project. As I understand it, DW's takes their steem balance each day and gives away 6% to the masses. This is split between drugs production percentage and drugs invested percentage at a 50/50 split (3% + 3%).

6% is still a nice amount for players to obtain for playing a 'freemium' game. Most freemium games pay out nothing! Zero! Zilch! Therefore 6% seems like a nice sum to me.

The 3% split pot

This is great news for most players. Although we are now seeing a reduction in daily payouts, what some aren't thinking about is what would have happened if the whales had continued to invest in drugs production with stupidly high amounts of steem. They would dominate the game completely making it impossible for most others to play.

The increase to 3% on heists means we all have a chance to make some steem here. Has nobody ever seen Robin Hood?!! This will be the new way to play. making it no longer so much of a Ponzi Scheme in my eyes. If you don't have to pay to play then it is a better game all round. It is unfortunate that so many people have invested so much so early on, but I guess a lesson has been learned here... a hard one though it is.

I see that whales are already complaining and making threats about their 'investments'. Amazing how they weren't worried when it came to taking everyone else's money, but now they have lost theirs, it is a different story...

Battles start on Sunday

About time! I personally think they left it too long, although it does sound like they have added a few new features, so it should be interesting to see how these affect game play. As you can see from my stats I don't have a great deal of production going so my plan is to steal steal steal!


Ah the dreaded bots. There has been talk thrown around about bots being created to automatically invest drugs/ build armies etc. I have seen in the discord chat that DW has said they will thwart any efforts to create bots to avoid more whale domination/cheating goings on. This is fantastic! Well done @drugwars, I think you are doing a superb job at fighting the powers that usually destroy all things good!


Am I joining a clan you ask? Well I have thought about it, but I really don't see a benefit. From what I understand from my wife (@beautifulbullies), she cannot attack anyone in her clan. This is not an option for me, I will have to attack anyone that I have to power to do so as my account is so small I will not be able to be choosy about my opponents. I will have to strike when the time is right! Will I attack my wifes account you ask? Hmmm well who knows ;)

There we have it, that is my 2 pennies worth.

If I have any advice at all it would be to build your armies and steal the drugs; this is the new game!

Let me know your thoughts below. And if you want to check your stats, feel free so write '!bookkeeping drugwars' in the comments below too.

If you still haven't joined Drugwars, you can do so for free here! https://staging.drugwars.io/#!/ref/@steemcurator
Just make sure you learn from other peoples mistakes...

Peace out!

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