Entry - Secret of the Pantheon

What is a pantheon?

Pantheon is a structure in which it serves as the final resting place of a man who had admirable contribution for the success of the Society.

Whats the use of a Pantheon?

In my opinion, A pantheon is structurally useless. If you think of it, the person that is staying there is already dead. Why excert an effort in beautifying the place?

This is to honor the dead for their achievements. It also serves as visual reminder to the living that the success that we have now, was made possible by a great man buried in the pantheon.

Whats the purpose for the pantheon in DW?
My Answer:

Pantheon stats will serve as a morale boost to the footsoldiers, giving them bonus attack stats.

also it will make them tougher or increase the defense stat.

And my wild guess, in future development of the battle system "luck" will be added in the stats.

The pantheon level is going to be the basis of percentage in evading attacks and increase chances of inflicting critical hit damage to targets.

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