Discover the secret of the Pantheon and win FUTURE tokens

His head was three sizes too big, at least it felt like it was. The room was still spinning around him and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Why did he drink that much? A celebration had been in order but for f@cks sake, when will he learn to say no to drinking alcohol out of body parts?

"Hey boss? What did we celebrate last night, anyway?" a voice came from the back of the room. It was Marty, his young protege. Why was he still there? The shipment was due for this morning and if the product was not already on the streets, heads will roll.

"Pantheon, Marty. Pantheon. Give me some aspirin and get your ass out of here." he tried to get up from the bed but it was too much to expect from his tired body. Finding balance presented itself like quite a challenging task..

"Pantheon? That building that does nothing for us and you keep insisting on upgrading it?" Marty was never subtle but then again, that is what he liked about Marty. He may not be sharp but he sure is reliable and knows where all the bodies are buried.

"You have much to learn young Jedi. Now... Get me some f@ck$ng aspirin..."


Are you like Marty? Still thinking that the mysterious Pantheon is there for nothing? Maybe you have much to learn too. Since we want to encourage your curiosity and SherlockHolmes-skills, we have a proposal. If you find out what Pantheon building does, we will award you and we will award you big time. Interested?



Since Pantheon has been a puzzle to so many of you, we have decided to shed some light on that mystery and finally reveal what it does, but... It would be to easy to simply give you the answer. Psychology tells us that humans have more appreciation for things they put some effort in and who are we to argue with science? If you find out what is so special about the Pantheon and write a post about it in the next seven days, you may get 500 Future tokens. Yup, you have read that right. 500!

Here is what you need to do...

First of all, you need to figure out what Pantheon does. This is not about guessing, fantasizing and creating stories. Pantheon really does have a purpose and you need to find out what that purpose is. When you think you have the right answer, write a post about it and use drugwars as one of your tags. We will award one of the posts with 500 FUTURE TOKENS. There can only be one winner and we will decide who that winner is based on the correct and precise answer, quality of the post, visual presentation of the post (images, text, etc.), and your creativity in presenting us that right answer. To sum things up:

  • find out why is Pantheon important, what does it do/give to players/provide etc.
  • write a quality-content post about it
  • use drugwars as one of your tags



The winner of this contest will get 500 Future tokens transferred to his DW account. He or she can then choose to keep them there (and use them in the game later on) or to claim them in Obyte wallet. We reserve the right to not award anyone if there will be no correct answer just as we reserve the right to give some additional awards or upvotes if we get extra delighted with more than one post.


"And what about the battle system boss?" Marty sure did take his sweet time with that pain killer and asking a lot of questions.

"What about it?"

"Last night, you told me there will soon be an upgrade to the battle system. Was that the alcohol talking or?"Marty was certainly not aware of the thin line he was walking on but luck favors the brave so the young protege managed to duck just in time to avoid the empty bottle of Gin the boss threw at him.

"Aspirin Marty!"

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