Drones As Delivery

In my opinion it should not be encouraged.

  1. It will create unemployment in the society. A large amount of people works as delivery guys to meet their ends. The delivery guys would strive for the living.
  2. Drones are Expensive and it is good that it would be one time investment but if the drones gets damaged it will expensive too, to get it repaired
  3. Drones are not weather compatible. In extreme weather conditions like in heavy rains it might not work.
  4. There are certain rules that have been passed by the government known as "Drone Laws" that should be followed and one must have a drone license in his/her name too.
  5. You can't fly drones in private places or go over them. It is strictly prohibited . The owner of the private place files a case against you if he or she feels offensive
  6. Birds will be hugely effected if the no of drones flying increases.
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