Acidyo is citric n I'm lsd

This lil punk bitch don't know I will keep the hits coming. Tryna to concern me about birds that never landed in a place I left long ago. Wants to get hard with a certified G n this 1st world ozzie living off mommy n daddy thinks he has touched me with a few flags. Wants to bring my neighbor Into the convo I'm not sure I know who mean pussycat? Speak clearly name names I 81 rated obsessive cuntussive dick.

U r so mad but say I'm irrelevant, u mad bc I know people respect me and you're just another shill. Always tryna 2 drag me about cashing out as if it's a, problem to not be in your cult. There are like 22 of you idiots left on earth that choke dong for this scam.

Yes I'll stay on twitter and fuck this place with realistic descriptions of cocksuckers like you acting like a kid in the sandbox with no pail and I'm there to pour sand in your Lil drawers.

Incel ass chump get at me. Think I'm worried about admissions of my past dropping featherweights for maat to weigh in the desert. ?![img_0197.jpg


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