Last nights dream - 20/9/2017

I’m sure the things that happen during the day have an affect on what we dream about. So I am going to share my dream from last night. I mentioned in a recent post about how much I remember my dreams and I am intrigued to find out if they really do have any significance to real life.

Last night I found out my 92 year old granny is refusing to take medication for her infection. She’s been in and out of hospital so frequently in the past few months and I’m really worried this is all coming to an end, and not in a good way.

My granny is very stubborn. I guess that’t were I get it from. She has an infection that surrounds her lungs, meaning she can’t eat or drink properly. A few weeks ago she was on a drip and was taking her meds. That sorted her out and we thanked the nurses so much for looking after her. This time she ended up back in A&E and not being able to breathe properly. We believe she suffered another stroke. It’s quite difficult to see her all the time as it’s over 100 miles to get to her. This time she has refused to take meds and is giving the nurses and doctors a hard time. She said she is old and tired and has had enough. The nurses will send her back to her nursing home but they will not accept her back if anything happens again. This cut me up so much last night. I just cried.

Wednesday 20th September

Anyway, last night I dreamed I was in a jewellers with my mum. We were talking to the staff about all the different items they had on display. As I was looking at the different types of jewellery, I came across my granny’s gold chain that she wears constantly. My mum had brought her that about 40 years ago from her travels. Then next to the chain I saw the pendants that belonged to the necklace. They are a gold crucifix, a gold and blue St. Mary and a gold heart. I was telling the lady behind the counter that these items represent family. The crucifix is my dad, St. Mary is my brother and the gold heart was me. She said she wears them all the time so she has her babies around her. That was the first part of my dream.

I found myself in a hotel in the second part of my dream from last night. I dreamt I had fallen out with my dad over granny. I don’t know what it was we fell out about but I ended up shouting and crying at him saying not everything is about him and his feelings, people hurt in their own way as well. We walked into a huge hallway. It had a giant spiral staircase. The staircase seemed never ending in both directions. I remember the walls and the stair were made of wood. A deep mahogany. The stairs were covered in a dark green velvety carpet. It looked very posh. My dad said he was treating the four of us (my dad, mum brother and I) to massage therapy. Of course I felt like shit after the argument I had with him. I told him I wasn’t interested and he couldn’t buy me off. I went off running away from them, so fast that no one could catch me. I don’t know how many different flights of stairs I ran and down. On one of the floors I thought I did find a way out but I ended up in a spa full of beauty therapists. I remember looking around and I saw outside the spa was an outdoor swimming pool, like you would find in a holiday package I asked them where the exit was, but the snotty nosed cow said I could’t be there and I had to go, not even giving me any idea of where I could leave the building. I was stuck in the never ending staircase with no way out. Then I woke up.

I really would like to know if my dream really does mean anything or if anyone can interpret my dreams. Please feel free to leave your comments.

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