Dream Diary - 4/1/18 (Part 2)

Good Afternoon Steemit,

Here is the follow up to the first part of my dream. Enjoy!

Thursday 4th January 2018 (Part 2)

I dreamed I was at football ground. It was a game between Manchester United and Arsenal. Manchester United being my husband’s team and Arsenal being mine. I saw some Arsenal fans wearing burgundy and yellow jackets and football shirts. I walked into the seating area with a group of people. We were designated a small seating area. The seats went down in a diagonal way from top to bottom. Everyone walked in and took to their place. After a few moments everyone got up and left. The seats got closed off so there was no access to them. Afterwards I walked away with the gang I was with. I realised I had left my jacket, handbag and mobile phone in the seating area that got closed off.

I walked all around the stadium. I tried to find my way back to the seating area, but there was no way of getting round to it. I walked some more and came across some football pundits in tv area. They said I had to start again. I had to go back to the very first entrance of the stadium. This was miles away!!! Then I came across a man who knew the way. I pleaded with him to show me. We walked together for a little bit, then he took me to a room with a big dark wooden wall. I had to run across the wall diagonally and upwards which would lead me to a ledge to jump onto.

After I jumped on the ledge, I had to walk up a dark, wooden corridor. I had found the seats!!! I ran to get my stuff and ran back again to the man who had showed me the way. We then walked back to where the other people were. The same thing played over in my head 2 / 3 times. The last time included a restaurant with a badly cooked steak. I dreamed my friend Deborah and someone else was in the restaurant with me. We were looking for somewhere else to eat. They found a place called 'Sixty Six’ on the map. We weren't sure if that was the age you had to be to get in. Deborah was 54 years old in my dream and the other lady was 52.

Finally, I dreamed about two black BMW’s that had either crashed or reversed into each other. I didn’t see the accident or hear it for that matter. All I saw were two dented cars. I thought one of them belonged to my neighbour Dom, thankfully it wasn’t his car.

Well Dreamers and Steemers. The football stadium dream was very long. It’s funny how I dreamed about both my team and my husband’s team. The teams aren’t due to play each other for a long time. I can’t believe there was a secret way to get back into the designated seating area. I would never have been able to get my belongings back if it wasn’t for that man. Does this represent me having to find a new path in 2018? I don’t know what the badly cook steak meant. I do love my steak, medium rare to be precise. I haven’t had a steak in ages. I think I need to go to a steakhouse this weekend. Also the restaurant called Sixty Six, that’s my husband’s race number. Could be something to do with his season this year? Who knows. I hope you enjoyed my dreams.

If you enjoyed this dream, why not read my diary.

Dream Diary

4/1/18 - Part 1 | 3/1/18 | 2/1/18 - Part 2 | 2/1/18 - Part 1 | Weird Dream 4 Years Ago | 1/1/18 New Years Day

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