Dream Diary - 19/1/18

Good Morning!!

Wow, it’s 6:50am and I have been awake since 4am… on a Saturday! That’s not good! Whatever happened to those weekend lie ins? Hey ho, I did manage to have a decent night’s sleep last night. Only a couple of dreams. The first one was quick and pretty boring but the second one certainly made up for it!

Friday 19th January 2018

Firstly I dreamed about my ex sister in law. She was heavily pregnant. I can’t remember too much about this dream. All I do remember was that I was sat next to her on a sofa. She was sat with her knees bent upwards and we were just talking about stuff.

Now for the fun dream

I dreamed I was hanging out with a woman who had long dark hair. She was tanned and beautiful. We were getting ready to become hostesses for the evening. There was a limousine waiting for us. We both necked 5 shots one after another before getting into the limousine.

While we were in the limousine, the lady said she wasn’t happy with her outfit. Her boobs were huge and she had covered them in pink glitter. She wore a crochet black mini dress over the top, but you could see everything!

We stopped off at Sally’s Hair and Beauty. At first we were looking at all the different beauty products and make-up. Then the store changed from a beauty store to a clothing store like TK Max. The woman was making such a fuss and was looking frantically for a different outfit. The staff were doing their upmost to help. The woman first put on a black playsuit. It had neon green straps. Then she took it off and put on a black skimpy ultra mini dress. It had a slit in the middle and she wore a gold sequinned evening jacket over the top. One of the staff members asked if she had shaved because the dress was that short. The woman pulled apart the slit in the dress and revealed her ladies bit in all its glory!

The woman tried on many outfits but she couldn’t find anything she liked. My mum then appeared in the dream and I said to her I wanted those outfits the woman had tried on. So we rushed all round the store to find them. I found them and I tried them on in a changing room. They fit well and I said to my mum I would like to have them as you’ll never know when you need a new outfit.

The store was closing and I felt like I was being rushed to get out of the store. I had left the outfits in the changing room and I was trying to make my way back with my mum, but the store changed from selling clothes to selling boots and shoes. I found myself in the childrens section, then the mens section. Finally I came across the womans section. There were all sorts of boots from knee highs to ankle boots. I saw some boots that looked like cowboy boots. I said to my mum "I’ve always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots, but I have to go to the States for that”.

I loved the second dream I had. I really liked the outfits I tried on. Shame they are not for sale in real life. Maybe I need to design my own! I never thought about covering my chest in pink glitter, I’ll have to thank the other woman in my dream for that look! It’s true, I really do want a pair of authentic cowboy boots. Can anyone on here from the States recommend where to go for them? Maybe I can plan a holiday to the States and finally get my boots! Yee ha! Don’t know why my ex sister in law was in my dream. She’s just as bad as my ex and I have nothing to do with her. She was pregnant at the time when I last saw her a decade ago. I couldn’t give a hoot, so why is she in my dreams? I’d rather not have the dream about her and spent more time dreaming about clothes shopping in the second dream!

If you enjoyed this dream, why not read my diary.

Dream Diary

18/1/18 - Part 2 | 18/1/18 - Part 1 | 17/1/18 | 16/1/18 - Part 2 | 16/1/18 - Part 1 | 15/1/18 | Weird Dream 4 Years Ago | 14/1/18 | 13/1/18 - Part 2 | 13/1/18 - Part 1 | 12/1/18 - Part 2 | 12/1/18 - Part 1 | 11/1/18 - Part 2 | 11/1/18 - Part 1 | 10/1/18 | 9/1/18 - Part 2 | 9/1/18 - Part 1 | 8/1/18 | 7/1/18 | 6/1/18 | 5/1/18 | 4/1/18 - Part 2 | 4/1/18 - Part 1 | 3/1/18 | 2/1/18 - Part 2 | 2/1/18 - Part 1 | Weird Dream 4 Years Ago | 1/1/18 New Years Day

2017 Dreams

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