Dream Diary - 12/1/18 (Part 1)

Good Morning!

I had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a very long time. So much so, I still feel pretty tired and I feel like I could sleep for 1000 years! Thank God for coffee! I have so many dreams to tell you about, almost too many. I’ve certainly made up for the lack of dreams. I will write them in two segments. Here is the first.

Friday 12th January 2018 (Part 1)

I dreamed I was at my husbands friends house. There were a few of us there and the couple were hosting a get together. All the food was laid out on a big table. We were sat in the living room. My friend Loz showed us her engagement ring. She isn’t engaged but has been on about getting engaged for years to her boyfriend. The ring was huge! The ’diamond’ was the size of the large screen iWatch, possibly slightly bigger. She held it up against an iPad mini that had a water background. The stone looked like it was made of plastic, but she was happy.

We all got up to help ourselves to food. I picked up a plate. The cutlery had these overly, thick, wide, wavy handles. I picked up a fork and a knife and I helped myself to the salad bowl. First of all I picked up a half eaten slice of cucumber! Gross! I put it back. All I could see was salad! There was no other food or drink!

I dreamed the hostess had a new baby boy. She was showing all the females how she wraps him up to look like a ’glow worm’ on the floor. The babies hands were so tiny! The fingers were a centimetre long and a millimetre thick. The baby picked his nose with every finger!

My dream changed to a supermarket. I was in the cake section with Faz. All the cake was reduced. There were cupcakes, cream cakes, scones… everything was reduced to next to nothing. It was great. We tried to gather up as much cake as we could. I saw an opened sponge cake. It looked like a cupcake bottom with lots of jammy fruit on top with some cream. I took a bite… it was delicious! I looked for more of those cakes, but there wasn’t any. I did come across a sponge cake soaked in Maderia… and boy was it soaked! I decided against that one!

I dreamed I had an emergency appointment with my dentist as I managed to remove all my brackets from my teeth. They were attached on a chain which was then looped around both of my back teeth. The loop came off and no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t get it back on. Then the loops turned into safety pins and when they were on my teeth, I couldn’t close my mouth properly.

When I was in the dentist chair, I saw two female students. One I recognised from before. In actual fact, I have never seen her before, not in real life or in one of my previous dreams. The other female had gold braces on. They were worried about studying the next chapter of their course. They both started to get hysterical. An older woman was there and she comforted the students and made everyone tea! Then my dentist was sorting out my brackets and he was flirting with me in the chair and rubbing his nose against mine! Yuk! No thank you!

So this was one mighty dream. I have a lot more to tell you in part 2. Wouldn’t it be weird if my friend got engaged soon after I dreamed about it? I don’t know why I dreamed of very strange cutlery and salad. Yes, I love my food, but salad? I don’t mind salad, I’m just grateful for the cake afterwards! The baby hands were strange. I wish I could show you exactly how small they were. I haven’t got another dentist appointment until the 1st February. I really hope I manage to forget about that part of the dream before I next sit in the chair! I hope you liked this one. Part 2 will have even more surprises!

If you enjoyed this dream, why not read my diary.

Dream Diary

11/1/18 - Part 2 | 11/1/18 - Part 1 | 10/1/18 | 9/1/18 - Part 2 | 9/1/18 - Part 1 | 8/1/18 | 7/1/18 | 6/1/18 | 5/1/18 | 4/1/18 - Part 2 | 4/1/18 - Part 1 | 3/1/18 | 2/1/18 - Part 2 | 2/1/18 - Part 1 | Weird Dream 4 Years Ago | 1/1/18 New Years Day

2017 Dreams

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