Prophetic dreams - practical information and how you too can have them

In part I, I explained the essence of prophetic dreams. My own experience has proved to me that dreams are the bedrock of our reality and if I am open enough they can tell me the future.

As you work with your dreams, you will gather examples of prophetic dreams (see some of the comments to my previous post). Some of them will be very detailed and will predict accurately what will happen. Others will deliver the message with symbols, like the dream I once described meeting the rich businessman. You may want to write down your daily events alongside your dreams so you could compare.


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"And what will I get out of it?"

  1. Documenting your prophetic dreams will convince your mind that you are able to receive parts of the future. This personal knowledge is much more important than any words that someone like me tells you because you need to remove the doubts from your own mind, and first-hand experiences do that.
  2. The dreams will be used by you as a tool to measure your progress. The more prophetic dreams you will remember, the greater the connection between your inner world and your physical world. You will no longer accept the flow of life, but you will know that you can navigate the current.

It may happen that a long period of time will pass between one prophetic dream to the next, you may not have one for months, but at some point, you will get back the feeling, the thrill, of knowing what the future brings for you.

Practical things to remember about prophetic dreams:

  1. A prophetic dream is a dream in which you receive future information that you could not have otherwise; accurate and logical information about events in which you have a deep emotional interest.
  2. If you tend to be pessimistic you probably will often have pessimistic dreams.
  3. The ego chooses carefully from which channel it will receive information. It censors anything it feels might threaten its control.
  4. The human brain has evolved over the years, creating millions of new connections (the size of the physical brain has no meaning here), and in the future it will be more connected. Its structure will allow the ego to receive additional and other parts of the self that currently can only be received at dream time.
  5. Write down your dream as soon as you wake up. Write down its details, no matter how trivial. If you only remember the name of a person or place, write it down. This way you tell your mind that it's important to remember dreams.
  6. When you wake up do not analyze the dream. And do not decide what is important and what is less. Write down everything.
  7. If possible, read the dream report at the end of the day and compare it with the events of the day/days that have passed. Once a week, check out all the dreams memos.
  8. If you do not know the symbolic meaning of a dream-event, tell yourself that it will become clear to you over time, and then trust it.
  9. You will discover your own personal time-interval between the dreams and the future events. For me it is usually between one and three days.
  10. Your feelings during the prophetic dreams are very important. You may dream about an unpleasant event, for example, almost a car accident, but at the end of the dream you are calm and find that you have not been hurt. Do not go around all day worrying about a potential accident. On the contrary, know that whatever happens, you will be fine.
  11. Do not be discouraged. At first you may have one prophetic dream a year and slowly the frequency will rise.
  12. If a certain element in the dream is prophetic then so is the rest.
  13. Physical conditions for prophetic dreams – they take place in certain temperatures and weather. You need to investigate it for yourself, what suits you. I tend to keep myself warm. Thick blanket, long clothing as the body temperature at night decreases as you go farther in the dream worlds. A serious illness may also prevent prophetic dreams.
  14. Sometimes prophetic information will turn out to be wrong. In some cases, it is because a different probable event is chosen by the self to manifest itself on the physical level. Remember - When you go to a clairvoyant who predicts your future, they "only" gets access to one probable future from a vast array of potentials.


Credit: pixabay

Why did I not remember all six numbers?

Here lies a great secret of dreams in general and prophetic ones in particular.

During your life, you are constantly monitored by your true self. If receiving a large sum of money would tamper with your life then that true-self would block the info from your mind, no matter how well you have trained it to remember your dreams.

Back then I was frustrated that I failed twice to keep those numbers in my memory upon awakening. Nowadays, looking back at the years that have passed since the time of the dreams, I know that had I received large sums of money I would not have achieved important, and crucial, milestones, on my path of enlightenment.


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