Do You Believe in Premonitions? ~ #illusionofcoincidence

Call it premonition, call it Deja Vu, or even seeing the future. Do you believe in it? Even just a little bit? I wouldn't go so far and say I believe fortune tellers, nor do I put much faith into card reading or the like. But what about dreams?


Since I can remember, a few times a year, I will be somewhere and something will happen where I KNOW I've been there before. Usually I'm in a conversation with someone, and the conversation suddenly hits me, like, I dreamt this before. Maybe it was a month ago, or maybe even longer.

But this most recent example, solidifies my belief that premonitions do exist, they are real, and I need to learn how to better understand them to use them to my advantage.

Since being down here in Mexico, I have re-found my love of playing Texas hold em poker. I used to play cash games with my old man and all of his buddies. I was 18-23, they were all 60 plus. It was always fun and I really enjoy the strategy of it all.

I now play once or twice a week at a few different bars. I've met some cool people, made some new friendships, and am loving playing again.

About two weeks ago I awoke in the morning with a very vivid dream still in my mind. Sometimes you're in a dream and you wake up and immediately can't remember any of it, that's the worst. But this was different. I remembered it well enough to know what happened, even though I couldn't recall every specific detail, I knew the main plot. It was this....

I was playing poker at one of the bars I play at. It was the usual crew, same dealer, same table, same most everything.

I peeked at my two down cards and I was dealt pocket fives. Not necessarily the greatest hand in Texas hold em, but a low pocket pair such as fives deserves a call to at least see the flop, unless someone goes crazy betting pre-flop.

In my dream, the flop comes 5, something, something. I have trip fives and I'm feeling good. I don't recall how the betting went from here on out, but either the turn or the river produces another 5, and I was raking in tons of chips with my quad fives.

I woke up thinking, "If I get pocket fives next time I play, I'm gonna play em hard."

So 2 days later, I go to play at the same bar I usually go to, the one in my dream.

7 hands into the game, I peek down at my cards, and what looks back at me? Pocket fives. I'm in a state of somewhat disbelief. Like, ok, but really? No way this is gonna happen.

A few people bet, I call, and we get the flop. The first card flipped over is a five. I have trip fives. My heart is now racing but I'm trying to keep calm and keep my poker face. I must have done a good enough job because 2 other people went all in.

So there are three of us, 2 of us have all of our chips in the pot, me included. I'm leading with my trip fives, and all of our cards are now showing because there will be no more betting. No one was very happy to see my trips, lol.

I figured, "hell, I'll probably win this hand with trips regardless, what are the odds another five comes?"

Dani, the dealer, burns a card, and flips over the turn...

It's the last five.........

My dream had come to fruition. I could not believe it.

The river card was pointless as no one could have beaten me at that point. I had to confess to the table that I in fact had a dream about this exact situation happening.

A few people joked and asked if I could dream up some powerball numbers for them, lol.

There's a famous line from my favorite movie, V for Vendetta which goes, "There is no coincidence. Only the illusion of coincidence."

After that hand of poker, I couldn't agree more.

Does any of this ring true with you? Or am I a crazy outlier?

Hit me up with your crazy coincidences!

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