Most amazing landing in DreamScape - Feeling it all

I never write down my dream's that I have in the night but this one is simply amazing. It felt so real that when I woke up I wanted to go back to sleep to dream again. This is my first dream that I had to write down as it simply amazed me when I woke up.

Heavy Landing into Dreamscape

I probably fell asleep at 2.00 AM and when that happened I landed on a island somewhere in the most beautiful part of the world or was it a different planet ? I really don't know. Looking around me there was this amazing scenary around with birds singing everywhere around me seemed so harmonous, the part most interesting is that everything seemed as real as I'm writing this post right now. There were more people there also around 10 , girls and boys which seemed like we were trapped on an island and there was this person who was ruling us telling us what to do forever.

Days have passed really quickly and then Winter came when we decided it was time to escape that island, but most interesting part is that this person was like trying to help us somehow. We wen't outside and there was a lot of snow all around us. Then the instructor found us and we were like meditating on he snow which felt even more real as I do practice meditation every day. The instructor said , we did a great job meditating but he took us back inside.

On the beach our adventure started

Our "Instructor" told us that we had to start fighting between us. At first there were 2 girls fighting and asked who wanted to go next and somehow I did, and had like a real fight which felt so real like I was actually punching the person , feeling the anger the wind the pain everything was there at the same time. Yes dreams are confusing and weird as fuck. I don't know who won because all I remember after the fight is that I was somewhere above and could see everything else, and said there were boats coming, and see a lot of different islands in the distance.

The boats landed on our beach and on them they had all these different tropical fruits like : pineapples, banana's, avocados and really all the fruits that you can imagine off they were there. As I was taking a bite off one it felt like the heaven, it was the most fresh fruit I've tasted. Remembering it was in a dream, I couldn't control it even though I kinda tried. I was feeling very happy there, stranded on an island with many people I didn't know. Then there was this women with glasses who was keeping on staring at me she was blonde also. Which kinda looked like my ex.

Swim to a different dimension!

Seeing the amazing islands on the other side I decided to go for a swim to one of them and all of a sudden I was there, like I teleport-ed there and it felt so good. This island was nothing like the other it felt like I was in a different dimension, there was this beautiful Ice castle that I entered and at the entrance there was this beautiful ice statue of something I can't remember but it was HUGE! Looking back I see everyone else coming in that were on the beach. Like we were all there it was all planned somehow.

This island was not ordinary, it was like more tests for example decipher different codes to pass through doors and new tests were there placed like we had to play some sort of golf there to get to the other level, Everyone was in a team and doing their own thing working together to pass to the other levels. It was like everyone was in the same dream but dreaming different experiences for themselves. It was amazingly beautiful and this is why I am sharing it with you guys.

We were all dragged in the middle of the island by the "instructor" which came and delivered a letter to one person there, which was like in them bottles that you find in the bottle on a sea which was like a goodbye letter to someone that they will never see them again or something like that. It was kinda scary and that was the time my dog barked and I woke up.

I still wanted to get back to sleep to see what can happen next but that was the end I couldn't sleep again to dream off that.

Remember it was all a dream! 

#dream #life #beach #tropical #dimension

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