A possible prediction of a volcano...

Hi all

This is an interesting one, on Monday 22nd August I had a very vivid dream. It began that I woke up briefly then fell back to sleep at 12pm(noon) and woke up from it at 1pm, an hour later. The dream began with meeting a very beautiful girl on the road I was walking. She greeted herself and took me to a tall cylinder that beamed her further up the mountain side, I also stepped in as this all felt very safe. I appeared at an entrance to something on the side of this mountain but when I looked out over the landscape there was no city and nothing to be seen so the entrance was hidden in some way wherever we had been beamed to. I asked her where we were and she said we are at "Popocatepetl". Although it was not this clear when she first said it, I asked her to repeat herself several times then scribbling something on a notepad that began with P and had a couple of e's and o's in the name. I had no idea really where this place was and not until much later realised what it was. 

Once I entered this dark entrance into the side of the mountain I was greeted with a round metal ball and a man. There was also a fourth presence inside but I am not sure if it was one entity or more like an entire town inside this place. The man and ball started to drift down the hole that lead deeper into the cave system, I went to follow them and the girl grabbed my arm. She said it isn't safe for me as human life would not sustain what is going to happen in there. She explained that the volcano is going to erupt soon and it would kill me so I needed to leave. She explained that when the volcano erupts it greatly benefits this larger entity presence on the inside of the volcano, it was like they gain from the power of the eruption or something.She shoved me out the entrance door and back to the teleporter, I remember feeling very anxious and nervous about why she was panicking so much, I was stopping and asking questions about the surroundings and one question in particular I remember asking is why is there snow around the entrance if a volcano is meant to be hot, she laughed and said "why do you think?". I fell through the teleporting cylinder and hit the road hard with a thump, which is when I woke up in a shock like as if something actually did hit me. I feel like I am meant to not keep this information to myself, I have never had such a strange feeling vivid dream before and been in such contact face to face with these other beings.

Later I was speaking with a friend we both thought it must of been the Yellowstone volcano in USA but I just kept feeling no no no, not unless it had some kind of scientific name starting with a P. We ended up finding the matched description of this volcano Popocatépetl in Mexico. Only then when I started to research it further it really looked exactly the same as what was in the dream, I found some youtube videos on it in regards to the balls and UFO's flying over it. It all started to make sense. I think I need to warn people living nearby to leave ASAP. This thing is going to erupt, bigger than ever.

I really would appreciate any comments on your aspects as to what this means, also any questions about what the surroundings looked like. I struggle piecing details together unless I'm asked about them. Thanks for reading!

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