Cleaning up with lasers

Sometimes a vision comes to me from space. It is because I feel it with my Heart so much I fall into it and disappear within. Weird right? 😎 This morning we woke up, my partner and I with a dream of a net being laid upon us. A ceiling to our thoughts. Well, his, actually. Me, I care not about the dream world. My visions come in the morning. As I sat there under the warm yellow light of winter, I saw myself being the mechanical part of a wheel system railing in a dark and huge veil, net, dragging itself painfully toward the Light. I heard Angel Raphael yell; pull! pull! pull! They have a small window to act.

It is hard to keep me upstairs for long. I am doing my best to allow the divine to fill me until I loose it for some reason. End of transmission. I love when that happens. I wake up in my kitchen. My partner enters the room with smoke and lasers. I say:

  • What is going on?
  • I am cleaning up with lasers.
  • Cool. Good call. I replied smiling.

I am very grateful to be a part of this Divine Plan. I really enjoy it even though it is a very crazy ride that makes no sense at all.

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