Merry Christmas Steemians

Hello Beautiful and Charming Steemians.

I am very sorry of my absence, I really am. School really made me so busy that I didn't have enough time to spend my hour with this amazing platform.

But of course, I will not miss to post in this amazing community on a amazing day, Christmas!

I really wish you all a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Christmas (I really hope I used that long word properly😂)

Anyways, here is my drawing with the materials that was given as Christmas gift for me!


I really enjoy adding those shadings/shadows and covering one eye to a girl.

Anyways, this girl is a Galaxy Girl from my profile pic. It doesn't really look like my profile pic, but it is worth a try and I enjoy drawing the most is the face, but in coloring, is the hair (because I can add more shadows) .

Well that is all I could say, Thank you again for checking my profile and hopefully we can meet again.

Goodbye for now talented and attractive Steemians!

Merry Christmas!

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