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Some doodling and beginner Chinese calligraphy 我的涂鸦和入门书法练习

Inspired by @htliao's sharing of his beautiful One Piece drawings, and encouraged by @rivalhw's wonderful post yesterday, i decided to show you guys some of my doodling. They're very simple and amateur, but hope they will light up your day! I do look forward to seeing your drawing/calligraphy too! Please tag me if you think it's fun to share. :)
很喜欢今早 @htliao 所分享的漂亮鉛筆素描- 海賊王 ,加上受到 @rivalhw 昨天热情推文的鼓舞,我决定也和各位分享一下我的涂鸦。真的是很简单,很初级的拙作,但希望能带给你带来一些欢乐!我也十分期待能看到更多朋友的作品,如果你可以在这里和我们分享就太棒了!请记得tag我啊。

The first 3 drawings are without eyes and nose, and i did it on purpose because it's to highlight each character's unique hair/facial hair... If you could guess who they are before looking at the name tag below, that will make me really happy!!!
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Well, "The Winter Is Coming!" Season 7 of Game of Thrones will be out on 16 July! Time to rewatch season 6 now lol. (This is Jon Snow.) 没错,冬天真的快到了! 《权利的游戏》第7季将于7月16日播出!是时候重温一下第6季了!(这是 琼恩·雪诺)

Ok the next one, he's probably one of the most badass characters on American TV. 好了,接下来这一位,应该是美国电视史上最屌的一个角色!
(This is Walter White from Breaking Bad.) 他是美剧《絕命毒師》里的Walter White。

And the next 4, by putting them together might give you a better idea who they are supposed to be... ok i figure most Steemians are probably too young to have seen this show. But it's a REAL oldie goodie!!! Such a classic late 20th Century American sitcom, like Friends. 以下这4位,放在一起应该算是个小提示。但据我所知这部经典美剧在中国并不出名,有些可惜呢!它可是和《老友记》一样非常有代表性的20世纪末美国幽默情景喜剧系列。
They are Elaine, George, Jerry and Kramer from Seinfeld. 他们分别是《宋飞传》里的Elaine, George, Jerry 和 Kramer。

This person below needs no introduction... 下面这位应该不必介绍了。

Last but not least, I have started practicing Chinese calligraphy lately. It's very therapeutic for me, so hopefully i can keep doing it! 最后,献上我最近开始练习的毛笔字!这对我修身养性还蛮有帮助的,希望我会坚持一直练习。
通常我会在空白的笔记本上画好格子,然后在每一页上面重复书写同一个汉字。坦白说,我平时的字没有这么工整好看。哈哈。。I would draw small squares with guidelines on my notebook first, before i write each Chinese character repeatedly on one page. I have to say they look much better than my usual handwriting though.. These 4 characters are part of a Chinese idiom, “海纳百川 有容乃大” which translates to "The sea can hold water from thousands of rivers, it's big because of its capacity." And the meaning behind it is that, as a person we shall be as tolerant and forgiving as the vast ocean.

How do you like it so far? Please feel free to comment! 你觉得怎么样呢?请给我真诚的留言!:D

