Adian Law


Some of you, following my blog for a while, may remind that I have another project than The Great Gardens of the God of World, the one with my watercolors illustrations.

This other story may be more like a comic, and in black and white (just with ink, no watercolor). It will take place in a far future, in a Galactic Confederation, in which the way of life is a mix between high technology and 19th century lifestyle.

While 7 women are lost in a planet all covered by a forest, the charachter you see above is a journalist and will investigate on some strange events. His name is Adian Law.
At the beginning of the story, he drank too much and kind of hide his depressed mood by a neglected way of dealing with his work and his friends. Of course, there is a back story that explains this behaviour... and the investigation, as well as the meeting of Lucinda Tharp (you saw her here !, will deeply transform him.

(To see more steps of my drawings, don't forget to follow my Instagram @djacbaweur !)

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