What do you feel is a reasonable price for my e-book? (please read description too)



I’m writing an e-book about how you can earn money by writing blogs for people that love to write and hope to earn some money by doing so. The reason that I decided to write this e-book, is because I’ve tried to convince quite a few people that I interacted with for quite some time on a Dutch blogging platform to join Steemit. Back then Whaleshares didn’t exist yet, but now Whaleshares has also been added to my daily routine of earning money online. Many people didn’t really think they would understand how Steemit works, and I can’t really blame them, as I was lost as a little puppy myself too in the beginning. While Whaleshares seems a bit easier to understand because of the easier interface (in my opinion at least) I know that many people don’t even know about the existence of Whaleshares. My aim is to try to convince those people on Steemit to try Whaleshares and Yoors (a Dutch blogging platform that soon will be translating the articles into 19 different languages) and vice versa.

The book will also partly be my personal story along with tips and tricks that I've learned along the way since I joined Steemit almost two years ago.

Sharing and engaging

I’m convinced that we should share our knowledge to help other grow, and that’s why I decide to share the things that I’ve done and steps I’ve made to make sure I would go from a not known user to someone that is now connected to quite a few communities. While many people will think it’s an absolute must to find a niche to write in, I’m actually the perfect example that this doesn’t have to be the case. I’ve written about all kinds of things, and I’ve shared art, photography and travel blogs that were all noticed and the people that actively follow me, actually read the articles in all the niches, not only one of them. The key to success on the platforms is engagement. And when do you get the best possible engagement on your blogs? By writing what you're passionate about.

Fiat and crypto payments will be accepted

Please keep in mind, that I will be accepting payments in the following cryptocurrencies for my e-book as well: STEEM/SBD/BTS/LTC (maybe more, but I've decided on these for sure). I've made this choice because I know there are lots of people on the blockchain that are working hard to build their accounts, and have crypto earnings in their wallet, while in real life they can hardly spend fiat on luxury items like books. Some people can't cash out for some reason, but still try to work hard achieving something on the blockchain. By accepting these currencies I know I will reach a bigger audience as my readers, and that's exactly what I want: to get the word out to the biggest audience possible that blockchain can change lives.

Call to action

I want to ask you to not only answer the question, but try to reach as many people as possible within your network to answer the question too! It's quite important for me that I have as much answers as possible to make a well-weight decision about what the price for my e-book should be. It would be good to read feedback from people that have experience in purchasing e-books before, so I can compare those experiences.

Please keep in mind, that I will be accepting payments in the following cryptocurrencies for my e-book as well: STEEM/SBD/BTS/LTC (maybe more, but I've decided on these for sure). I've made this choice because I know there are lots of people on the blockchain that are working hard to build their accounts, and have crypto earnings in their wallet, while in real life they can hardly spend fiat on luxury items like books. Some people can't cash out for some reason, but still try to work hard achieving something on the blockchain. By accepting these currencies I know I will reach a bigger audience as my readers, and that's exactly what I want: to get the word out to the biggest audience possible that blockchain can change lives.

I have decided that 5 USD will be the minimum price I want to set for this e-book, so there is no option to choose a lower amount. I've also decided that this e-book will not only be sold, but also given away to people that really don't have the funds for it. I'm an absolute believer of paying it forward, so even for the people that are willing to work hard, and trying their best, but just need a little help, there will be opportunities to win/receive the book without any costs.

Writing, marketing and research

At the moment I'm still in the creative process of writing, which I enjoy a lot, but I also know that soon there will be a lot of marketing involved (which I love!) and before it's time for that, I need to do some research. This article is actually meant for research purposes, and I need as much input as possible. I hope that you can help me out by answering this poll.

~Much Love


  • 5 USD

  • 5 - 7.50 USD

  • 7.50 - 10 USD

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.

What do you feel is a reasonable price for my e-book? (please read description too)
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5 - 7.50 USD
7.50 - 10 USD
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