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Chuck Schumer threatens Trump with Assassination

I could use your help guys. I'm trying to save my country. From all the things I've gathered and researched I believe the best way to do it is to flip the media narrative. I need your help convincing our fellow Americans that our country is under attack and our president is being threatened.

Just like when our country was founded regular people became patriots by sounding the alarm when the british were coming. The modern day Paul Revere (that's you) is needed to stand up and shout over the industrial media that's creating all of this dissonance. Look at the DOW today and understand the timing. A plunge this big was the thrashing of a wounded monster. This leviathan is a cancerous vampire sucking on the blood of our very identity.

It might not seem like much, but spend 10 minutes a day researching what is happening. Call it patriot time and set an example for your friends and family. Start with #qanon and the work of Jerome Corsi. If bad news is hard to swallow, look up Tracy Beanz as she has a stable delivery that keeps you grounded.

The day you start reading, you become a patriot anon. This label is your white hat. It's not about you as a person. Just as our country was founded by farmers who came to Washington with the goal of returning home to their communities, this time you spend every day is a tribute to our nation.

I created this meme because i know it's the most effective form of messaging. I have few followers and need your help spreading this message. I would feel honored if any of you were to download and spread this meme to your own familiar circles. If this letter helps you express your feelings please feel free to include it as a motivation.

This is a beautiful time to set thing right and tell the #DeepState and its media we've had enough. I believe times could be difficult as we try and slay this wounded beast. Expect more trashing like train derailments, DOW crashes, false flags, errant missiles off the coast of Hawaii. SS John McCain crashing head first into an oil tanker, the largest vessel on the ocean. There is a war already raging. We need you here with us in the bunker. All you have to do is discover the truth, your heart will do the rest to spread the message.


"Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you" - Chuck Schumer (D)
--- Yes Chuck, we remember, and now we know you're with them. #qanon

The best introduction to QAnon would be thanks to Jerome Corsi ( and Tracy Beanz (

Qanon website (as of 2/5/18):

Thank you for reading!