Don't Do It.


Every time all you do is hit her
Forgetting all you did to get her
You promised her happiness altogether
You told her to trust you without any bother
She is now forced to look back and wonder
Whatever happened to love with no asunder

You shattered her world with your blow
Even her morals and confidence albeit slow
She uses make up just to patch up and glow
You form niceness outside and people think you flow
In her life she has never hit this all time low
She is caught in the midst of the storm and she can't row

Remember all your promises and assurances to her
Remember she is human and you begged to have her
How would you want another to treat your own daughter
Remember everything you do is a seed and it would germinate
Domestic violence makes you less of a man
Look at yourself in the mirror and see if you are proud.

This doesn't in any way give fuel to your ego
When all you could have done is to let go
This is not the person she wants to settle with
Handle it like a man regardless of the drift
All she does when you come home is to shift
Because she doesn't know when the next blow will land


This is just a burden that always cut across my mind anytime I see situations like this arise and I hear stories about them. The attention is focused on the male part because more is expected of them. I have read stories of women that abuse men, but such men are seen as weak because it is a story that cannot be told. Even the mention of it would make you roll your eyes, but then, it happens, and it is mostly not because such men are weak, it is just because they realized their strength and don't want to exert it. Most of them walk away because a blow from them could turn the events and they choose to have foresight.

Domestic violence is real. Don't do it, whichever gender you are. Think about how you would want your children to be treated, or your sister or brother, or a loved one, if the table were to turn. Have foresight, so you can go farther.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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