RE: You only care because it’s Johnny Depp

The same crowd that doesn’t want stereotypes thrown onto women is the crowd that openly says it’s not abuse when it happens to men and implies that women are weaker and therefore the man is unable to be abused. Just because I can throw my ex across the room doesn’t mean that I will and it doesn’t mean that it makes it okay for her to do what she does. When someone is so toxic that it causes their partner to begin vomiting upon seeing them you know something is very wrong. I think Amber Heard is a very tame version of what is becoming increasingly common.

I assume you’ve noticed the vast taxpayer resources available to women in the event their relationship doesn’t work out and the lack of anything but contempt for a man who doesn’t choose to stay and tolerate cruel and inhumane treatment. It’s the same the world over. It will never change.

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